Friday, October 8, 2010

speckled eggs

So all pretty girls are sluts right? I mean they can get ANY guy they could possible want. Especially those pretty girls with a lot of guy friends and a little black book under her bed, and a few notches on her bedpost.
I am currently reading a text by Devendra Singh as basis for my next few blogs. It is called: Mating Strategies of Young Women: Role of Physical Attractiveness. 

So I would like to do some speculating in this post.

Might there be truth in that more beautiful are more likely to cheat or get divorced. What is the reason behind it? Maybe it is not because the woman is beautiful that she cheats, but the jealousy of a partner. There can be much debated around this. Wouldn’t an ‘unattractive’ person cheat if they had the chance? It means that someone else gave them the opportunity to feel empowered and sexually attractive?
Is the difference maybe between the ‘unattractive’ and beautiful woman?

The beautiful person is spoiled for choice, and because she is more likely to be hit on by a man, she can choose when she feels that all her needs are not satisfied.

The unattractive person however feels flattered when there is a new person giving attention to her. It gives her the power to believe that she has a choice and she does not have to spend her life with one person just because it is believed that she won’t ever in her lifetime find another man again.

Maybe they are not that different at all, if one speculates it like I just did, both parties will cheat. 


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