Lady Gaga’s dress sense is to say the least...different. She dresses up in arb designs. Funnily enough I noticed that unlike some other female musicians, Lady Gaga has humble breasts and her cleavage is rarely in your face.
“Bodies do not conform, bodies which flout the conventions of their culture & go without the appropriate clothes are subversive of the most basic social codes & risk exclusion, scorn or ridicule” (Entwistle, 2000:7)
And Lady Gaga has been scorned by many mothers who are wondering if Lady Gaga is a good role model to their girls.
In her latest Alejandro music video you can see an existing intertextuality between the music video and the 1953 film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. The actress Jane Russel receives abundant attention from male athletes. (Sturken, 2001:83) During Russel’s singing your eyes follow the athletes while they flex their muscles. The men seem unaware of being watched. Contrary to Gerbers popular theory, for once the men in the film and music video becomes the surveyed, stripped from being the surveyor.
In other instances she allows the men in her music videos to become the objects. And it is not sure wherever it is to appeal to females or maybe to gays as well. (Judith butler) In other instances you can barely define her from the males. In the Alejandro music video they show Lady Gaga in a popular sex position, where she takes the position of the man.
Isn’t this maybe the problem that parents have with Lady Gaga, it questions sexuality. Susan Bordo’s Gay Men’s Revenge (1999:22) explains that “dual marketing advertisements attempt to appeal simultaneously to both gay and straight consumers, by employing images that captivate different sexual gazes.”
Lady Gaga employs this shamelessly in her music videos. In the post modern world where being anything other than straight is slowly becoming acceptable, shouldn’t people be able to decide how they want to live their lifestyle from any age?
So ends my small dictatorship as a bootiful blonde, I will stay a blonde for the time being. I wasted my time at the hairdresser for a few hours. (I wish they had a drive-thru service for coloring hair)
and for the last time...
Q:Whats black and fuzzy and hangs from the ceiling?
A: A blond electrician
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